The aging process changes us on a variety of fronts. These harsh consequences can be most noticeable on the face. When factoring in the sun’s potential for damage as well, the skin is consistently diminishing in quality. The result over time is sagging skin and pouches under the eyes. To correct specific facial aging without the invasiveness of a complete overhaul, a mini facelift is an ideal option.

A mini facelift procedure, offered by facial and cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Andres Gantous, is designed to rejuvenate and tighten specific areas of the face, such as the jowls, cheeks, loose skin around the neck and facial skin, all without the need for major anesthesia.

The goal of the procedure is to help tighten loose skin and facial sagging to give the face a more rested and youthful appearance.

To learn more about the mini facelift, contact our Toronto office to set up a consultation today.