No other part of your face gives your age away quite like your eyes do. Crow’s feet, fine laugh lines, wrinkles, sagging under-eye skin, and unsightly dark circles are all telltale signs of how old you are. Sometimes, however, these issues have less to do with advanced age and more to do with lifestyle choices (i.e. unhealthy diets, lack of sleep, etc.) or genetics. Correcting these imperfections as soon as possible can help boost your self-esteem. That’s why blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is an excellent solution!

In this article, we’ll focus primarily on the intricacies of lower blepharoplasty and how it can help improve your overall appearance and restore your self-confidence by eliminating years off the look of your face.

The Effects of Ageing on the Lower Eyelids

As the skin ages, it tends to lose a lot of its natural collagen and elasticity, which can contribute to sagging, the formation of wrinkles (which sometimes happens prematurely), and dark circles under the eyes. Fat deposits shift over time and tend to settle in the area that’s located directly under your eye, making this part of your face look sunken, dreary, and perpetually tired. Continued accumulation of fat deposits in this area combined with ageing throughout the years can weaken the facial muscles and result in a prematurely older appearance.

Here are just a few of some of the most noticeable signs of ageing that happen around your eyes:

  • Puffy, hollow grooves
  • Dark circles
  • Under-eye bags and festoons (bags that form beneath the bags)
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Drooping, sagging skin that’s weighed down by excess skin and disproportionate fat deposits
  • Tired looking eyes

All of these conditions can easily be corrected with an under-eye blepharoplasty procedure. The procedure itself is typically performed on an outpatient basis and patients have the option of either undergoing general or local anesthesia, although the latter is more commonly used. Complications are rare and depend on the method of the procedure used. The procedure can last anywhere from one to two hours depending on the extent of the work that needs to be done, the needs of the patient, and whether they’re having both or just one eye done.

Some patients opt to undergo upper and lower eyelid surgery at the same time and this can prolong the operating time.

The Types of Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower blepharoplasty has two variations that can be performed depending on the type of work that needs to be done, the needs of the patient, and the recommendation of the facial plastic surgeon. There’s the transcutaneous approach and the tansconjunctival approach.

Transcutaneous Lower Eyelid Surgery

Transcutaneous lower eyelid surgery involves making an external incision on the lower eyelid directly beneath the lash line (this is called a subciliary incision). This particular approach is used on patients who want to address and correct puffiness and bags under their eyes. These are typically adults who are aged 40 and over. Skin and muscles surrounding the eye that also control facial functions can become increasingly lax over time and this allows fat to build up in that area. For that reason, this method works best for people who have sagging under eye skin. The surgeon will make a minor incision just below the lash line, then either completely remove, repurpose, or reposition the fat deposits.

Transconjunctival Lower Eyelid Surgery

Transconjunctival lower eyelid surgery involves making an internal incision on the lower eyelid in alignment with the lash line. Your surgeon gains access to the fat pads within the eyelid via the conjunctiva internally rather than making an external incision that’s likely to leave a scar, albeit an unnoticeable one. Unlike its predecessor transconjunctival lower eyelid surgery doesn’t include reconfiguring or disturbing other anatomical structures within the eye such as the orbital septum or the orbicularis. This greatly reduces the risk of any postoperative malfeasance or malpositioning. The transonjunctival approach also allows surgeons to efficiently remove excess skin and fat deposits that gather directly beneath the eye and help rejuvenate and lift sagging areas. Since this procedure is far more complex than its predecessor, it takes a highly skilled facial plastic surgeon with impeccable dexterity to perform it.

How Lower Blepharoplasty Can Vastly Improve the Appearance of Ageing Eyes

As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul and that means they say a lot about you. Generally speaking, people can tell how old, tired, or healthy you are simply by looking into your eyes. In some cases, prematurely aged eyes aren’t necessarily the result of actual advanced age, but genetics or poor health and hygiene habits. The less you take good care of yourself by exercising regularly, eating healthy, and getting plenty of sleep, the more the results will show on your face.

Contrary to what you might think blepharoplasty isn’t just for people over the age of 40. A lot of young people also choose to get this procedure done. Lower blepharoplasty is an excellent way to rejuvenate the look and feel of your skin and give you that youthful appearance you desire.

The effects of ageing on the eyes can be a major source of embarrassment for a lot of people, but lower eyelid surgery can help by effectively tightening the skin beneath the eyelid and reducing the size of the fat deposits beneath the lower eyelid. As a result, you can enjoy smoother, more youthful looking skin sans the noticeable sun damage, deep wrinkles, and unattractive sagginess. Dark circles will also be a thing of the past.

Trust the Experts at Toronto Facial Plastic Surgery

Dr. Andres Gantous at Toronto Facial Plastic Surgery has been performing lower and upper blepharoplasty procedures for well over 20 years. Recognized as one of the world’s most skilled facial plastic surgeons, he’s given numerous keynote speeches regarding the subject of facial plastic surgery and its many benefits. But he doesn’t just talk the talk, he also walks the walk. Find out for yourself by booking an initial consultation at our clinic in Toronto!