Mini Facelift

Limited or mini facelifts are a variety of procedures that go by many names. They are basically characterized by smaller incisions and less dissection of the facial tissues. Some surgeons and clinics have obtained trademarks on specific procedures, but the same or similar procedure is done by hundreds of different surgeons.

Who is a candidate for a Mini facelift?

These procedures target specific areas of the face: jowls and jaw line, mid face, etc. Younger patients that are beginning to show signs of droopy jowls, loss of volume and sagging of the facial tissues are usually very good candidates for this procedure. Older patients that have already had a facelift and are looking for refreshing procedure to eliminate some recurrent sagging are also potential good candidates for a limited facelift.

How is this procedure performed?

Incisions are usually made in the temples, hairline and down to the ear lobe. The incisions will vary depending on the patient and what specific areas of the face need to be improved. The muscle and fat can then be mobilized and repositioned and the excess skin cut. These procedures are usually done with general or local anaesthesia with sedation.

How will I look?

A fresher, more youthful appearance can be obtained with a mini facelift. There is usually some swelling and minor bruising for 10 to 14 days and a sensation of tightness in the operated area. Sometimes, small bumps and irregularities can be felt under the skin, but these always resolve after a few weeks.

How long does it last?

Most patients look 5 to 10 years younger and refreshed with this procedure. The face will continue age naturally, but the results will be maintained for many years, but not as long as with a deep plane facelift.

Are there any risks?

All surgical procedures have risks. Mini facelifts carry the risk of bleeding and wound infection, which are rare. Abnormal scarring can occur as well as the possibility of nerve damage, but these are also quite rare.